With the surge in streaming services, home video and DVDs are disappearing rapidly. Which is a sad trend.

This is my small protest. I am metaphorically sharing my DVD collection.
One of my many qualms with the coup of streaming is the inability to discover a movie. I miss going to Blockbuster, Hastings, Movie Gallery, or Family Video without a movie in mind. I miss reading the back covers until I found something random and amazing. Today, unless you saw it in theaters or the Netflix algorithm recommends it (based on what it knows you like), you are not likely to see some truly great movies. It is hard to see something different. The hidden gems stay hidden.

On this page, I will post recommendations from my DVD collection, fully aware that you will likely watch it on Hulu or Amazon, but at least it could be something different.
I will post reviews, recommendations, poetry, short stories, funny bits, and really anything else that sounds fun at the time.

Underrated Films

Full Catalog